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Knee Pain With Running

Knee Pain With Running

March 16, 2022

As we get back into nicer weather we are getting back to hitting the pavement.

That’s great! But of course, what have you been doing all winter?

The knees can be a bit tricky. They are set up like a hinge (think doorway) and are designed to move forward and backward. They are not designed to move side to side. When we get into repetitive tasks like running, where you are constantly standing on one leg and then the next… quickly, we start to see deficits in movement patterns.

What does that mean? Let’s say there’s some weakness on one side of your hip and the other side is lacking stability to counteract the forces. This may lead to the knee tracking inward. Multiple steps with that inward tracking movement may cause pain. It’s like a train hopping off the tracks and getting back on. Not only painful, but extremely inefficient.

What about if your foot collapses with each step? That arch you naturally have that isn’t much of an arch anymore. Yup, that can also cause the knee to track inward. Each and every single step.

Running is NOT bad for you. Running with inefficient form and technique may contribute to knee pain over time though.

Without addressing your own specific form and needs, here are some quick tips when you hit the road:

  1. Be mindful of the slope of the road: If you are jogging with your right side to the curb, that means that side is lower than the opposite side. Try to split up your run so that half of it is with your right side to the curb and then your left side is to the curb.
  2. DO NOT RUN ON THE SIDEWALK: I cannot stress this enough. The cement does not absorb shock as well as the asphalt of the street does. This creates an increase of forces up and through the body with each and every single step. Think shin splints, achilles pain, plantar fasciitis, etc.
  3. Wear proper footwear: What is proper footwear you ask? Well, it depends. You cannot go from working in a fully stable work boot all day and then hit the road for a run with minimalist shoes. I mean, you can, but you’re asking for some issues there. Your foot was adapated to the stability of the shoe, and then you’re asking it to BE the stability with repetive movement. Also, this works vise-versa. If you’re a minimalist shoe wearer and go to run in a fully stable shoe, your feet will not only feel like it’s trapped in a cage… but you will adapt different movement patterns up the chain.

At any rate, if you have knee pain with running… DO NOT WAIT. Whoever is your movement professional, have them take a look at it. Have your mechanics assessed. You do not want something in the beginning of the season hinder you for the rest of the year.

Have fun out there!

Rock On

- Dr. Kelli

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Dr. Kelliann Gallagher, PT, CF-L1 | Doctor of Physical Therapy, Founder
Dr. Kelliann
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